Admissions Criteria
Self-discipline entails a degree of self-respect that leads the child, in turn, to consider the rights and needs of others. Following the principles of the Montessori philosophy, we promote respect for ourselves, for others and for the environment in which the individual develops.
The Pre-registration period for new students is from the 1st till the 11th of March.
Freedom and discipline
We propose rules and limits that help the child to self-regulate and behave freely, that is, through a discipline focused on the full development of individual capacities.
Daily work
Under these guidelines, the capacity for attention and concentration is encouraged, and the will to do so is developed. When children respect the work of others and their environment, they do so by organizing their will and establishing a balance between the impulses and inhibitions that give rise to a habit of social life. It is of great importance to have families involved so that children can forge their own personality.
Family involvement
Interested families are attended to within 72 hours and, after collecting basic data, are invited to get to know the school better on a guided tour. In it, a member of the management team shows them our facilities and explains how the environment works and its methodology.
In this first meeting, an informative dossier is handed out where the objectives, characteristics and services of our school are detailed, as well as the rules of respect, positive behaviour, putting into practice the school's vision, equal treatment and ways of channelling communication between students-guides, parents-guides and parents-school.
In addition, it is the moment when families are told about the composition of our school community, its growth and functioning, as well as the possibilities of family contributions and learning. These interviews take place during the last week of each month in the afternoon.
Children between 12 months and 11 years of age may be considered for admission. As IMSC grows, admission periods for new students will remain open throughout the year, as long as the pace of each environment is respected according to the adjustment periods required by the children already admitted.
Similarly, new children will have their own adaptation period according to their pace and need. Once the maximum number of students has been reached, the normal calendar will be applied. However, if there is a special situation of application for entry, each case will be studied individually.
Inclusive Education
Caracoliris is a school that specializes in practicing inclusive education, promoting and highlighting the mutual benefits that children experience when living together in highly diverse and multicultural environments. We have a Multidisciplinary Development Team (EDM) that works to attend children with SEN in an individualized way, as well as observing and promoting the integral growth of all children in other important areas (nutrition, ergonomics,...).
During the welcome, as well as during the rest of the period of coexistence of the student and families in our school, we observe and share the family life styles, deeply valuing the social-emotional wealth they contribute individually and as a small group. We are nourished by the life experiences of each member of our community, taking great care in the attention to detail and celebrating together the advances and contributions.
Balance in the environments
International Montessori School Caracoliris seeks to maintain a balance in environments with respect to age, gender, language and Special Educational Needs. Our awareness of the richness that diversity brings is high, extending it to the entire community.
The admission criteria is fundamentally based on the commitment of the families to our Pedagogical Project and the family's interest in completing the Montessori program at our Center, since one of our basic pillars is to live in an educational community.
In accordance with the balance we wish to maintain, admission for the following year is based on the space available in the environments, the dynamics and needs of the group in each environment.
Criteria for the incorporation of new students:
- Previous year's students
- Students' brothers
- Children of school staff
- Children with SEN / + 33% disability
- Children of members of our Educational Community
- Children from collaborating/participating entities in our educational community
- Children of former students
- Students from other Montessori schools
At all times, the balance of qualities that each student brings is taken into account for the benefit of the group, thus promoting coexistence between children with different characteristics, enriching the environments and favouring multiculturalism. The diversity in the origin of the families is positively valued, as well as the geographical proximity to facilitate the participation in the educational community.
Students are assigned to their environment according to their abilities and needs, regardless of their chronological age. The guides and staff of the Multidisciplinary Development Team are prepared to attend to each student, taking into account their specific training in assigning children to each environment.
The Pre-Registration Period for our school is now open.
On March 15 the provisional list of admitted students will be communicated.